Orthodontics: The dental clinic Dr. Stephanie Guisasola GRANVIA uses the most advanced correction systems such as Damon Braces system, microscrews anchor generation, Invisalign invisible braces system.


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Why is it important to have well aligned teeth?
Having misaligned teeth , rotated , or even strikeouts , having vocal wheels for loss of teeth present deviations jaw or excessively tight or malpositioned jaws , can be grounds for an orthodontic solution are used, since this alteration may affect generally to the rest of the body , it can cause joint problems, neck problems , gum problems , including digestive problems. Orthodontic treatment and prevent disease risks arising from poor tooth position as bad breathing habits : mouth breathing, muscle tension , bruxism, digestive disorders , etc. . Having well- aligned teeth provide the dental hygiene consequently decreasing the inflammatory processes of the gums and the occurrence of dental caries. They can also help prevent problems or the temporo- mandibular joint ATM , that as a result of this condition can have headaches , joint clicking, joint pain , decreased mouth opening etc …
What is Orthodontics?
Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry that deals with the alignment of teeth and correcting problems of occlusion as well as guiding the eruption of the teeth and jaw development. Thus, it also provides an ideal aesthetic smile on his face.
Orto: Straight
Doncia: Tooth
How is orthodontic treatment start?
A series of tests to perform a study of the mouth is performed.
This study is individual and thorough in order to arrive at a diagnosis and plan of treatmentappropriate to the patient’s needs.
The evidence required to make a complete study, diagnosis and treatment plan of each case, including:
- A questionnaire and a visual examination of the mouth to the clinical history.
- Making intra and extra-oral photographs.
- Implementation and study casts of the teeth.
- Implementation and study of a panoramic radiograph.
- Implementation and study of a lateral cephalometric skull.
- Implementation and study of dental scanner (ICAT) if necessary.
After analyzing all these data, there is a clear diagnosis and a treatment plan is required with the best techniques for solving problems in the most appropriate manner and also according to the needs that requires the patient.
To what age can assess whether orthodontic treatment is needed?
From 4 years.
We distinguish three types of orthodontic treatments:
- Preventive. As control harmful habits that can cause malocclusion (thumb sucking, mouth breathing, chewing on one side, tongue thrusting … etc..) Or placement of space maintainers when a child loses a baby tooth before time. From 4 years.
- Interceptive. Malocclusion such as a crossbite and corrected in a short period to avoid adverse effects on the dental and morphological development of the face is intercepted. It should be made in early ages with mixed dentition (baby teeth and definitive), between 6-11 years.
- Corrective. Is performed when the malocclusion is already present and may even evolve worse. From age 12.
What kinds of orthodontic appliances can be placed?
- Removable. Devices are acrylic by metal hooks will endure in the molars. You can remove from mouth.
. Functional. Apparatus for growth modification of the jaws performing orthopedic therein. The patient has to be on the rise. Is studied in cervical ripening in Cephalometric lateral skull when is the best time to start and then take advantage of growth spurt to try to influence the growth of the jaws.
- Fixed. It is mainly composed of brackets and arch wires, which may be metal or ceramic. The latter are more aesthetic as they are tooth-colored work although biomechanically slower.
- Invisibles. Aligners custom-made plastic placed on teeth that continuously go progressively moving to the desired position. Limited to the simplest cases.
How do braces work?
The fixed orthodontic appliance acts by Brackets (small pieces of metal or porcelain or sapphire) that attach to each tooth. These brackets have in their horizontal slot specific torque and angulation and therefore after the study are chosen specifically for each tooth. Their slots are traversed by titanium arch wires and basically steel which will change throughout the treatment in order to obtain and reshape teeth.
What guarantees a good result after orthodontic treatment?
A good diagnosis of the case, conducting a detailed study without forgetting the claims of the patient.
A competent professional: to be involved, who is experienced and that you communicate well with the patient. Dr. Stephanie Guisasola personally cemented brackets and has been working since 1998 and using the Damon technique since 2005.
A patient who collaborate in everything prompted in consultation.
Can put an adult orthodontics?
Yes, because the teeth can be moved at any age.
Orthodontics has traditionally been associated with childhood or adolescence, “you carry apparatus” was “child’s play”. But the fact is that in recent years has dramatically increased the number of adults who come to our clinic seeking orthodontic treatment.
The requirement for an adult can be treated with orthodontics is to have a good oral hygiene (not having dental plaque or tartar). Patients with gum problems as far as controlled by a periodontistcan use orthodontics.
Any patient should be treated with extreme orthodontic dental hygiene, as most orthodontic appliances retained food debris and impede good hygiene, so in addition to using specific carrierstoothbrushes for orthodontic interproximal brushes are usually required or irrigators